Sunday, March 4, 2012


Today I would like to talk about " U GRILL " restaurant which is located in Salmiya in Olumpiya Mall .
U GRILL is famoused in grilled food . More over , it is characterized in it's design and  system .
In U GRILL you can be the cheef !! by choosing the meat and the chicken that you want to eat . Then grill it by yourself , so you will get steak grilling experience . Take a look at the pictures do you think that is the food is tasty " yaami yammii " !! in my opinion woooow delicious . All of you should try it as soon as possible . I'am sure that you will like it . aah the steak is soft and melts in your mouth . OOh my god i will stop talking because I'am getting hungry !!


  1. I'm hungry fateema i want to vist u grill i'll try it as soon as posible enshallah

  2. i will visit it soon enshallah thank you for the great informaition

  3. THE meat look so delicious ,I will go there some day (:

  4. The pictures look amazing as your comments. Fatooma you have a sense of humor I wasn't aware of.

  5. i think i'm gonna try it and the idea of restaurant is amazing
