Sunday, March 11, 2012

How to Have a Complete Makeover (Physical

Have a Complete Makeover (Physical)Everyone feels the need to get a complete physical makeover at least once in their life; yes, it may sound superficial, but let's face it: feeling beautiful plays a major role in self-confidence. This article will give you the general outline on how to get a makeover from head to toe

TAKE A LOOK AT THE SITUATION AT HAND.TAKE A LOOK AT THE SITUATION AT HAND. Ok, so the first few steps aren't the actual makeover itself, but it is quite crucial. Take a sheet of paper, divide it in two columns: in the first one, list what you like about your appearance, and in the second, what you dislike. You may want to get some exterior help for this. For example, you may want to put your big breasts and straight legs in the first column, and your weight and crooked teeth in the other. However, remember, some things are just a matter of point of view; referring to your eyes as "deep hazelnut" instead of "boring brown" may make a difference (and make you feel

PLAN.PLAN. As you read this article take notes. Use them to write down a plan, with everything you have to work on, and what you'll do about it: if you're an overly organized person, you can even transform it in a schedule (For example: Thursday: hairdresser + sort out wardrobe, Friday: shopping, etc.), though keep in made this would only work for some things as others take more time (losing weight for example). After this, you're ready to get started.

HAIR.HAIR.Any type of hair can look good; all you have to do is find the right haircut. If your hair is straight, you're lucky, you can get pretty much any haircut: search on Google for which cut suits best your face shape. When you go to the hairdresser, it's best to bring a picture of what you want if it's quite specific, so you don't get bad surprises.

MAKEUP.MAKEUP. If you usually wear a ton of makeup, a makeover could maybe mean a makeunder! This means that if you are wearing a smoky eye, tons of foundation, three coats of mascara, and bright red lipstick, taking some off can do wonders! Basic makeup can be: A little bit of concealer to cover up red marks, bumps, or pimples. A little bit of eyeliner, in brown, can make your eyes stand out. A little mascara opens up your eyes and makes you look wide-awake!. A little blush puts some color on your face. A little lip gloss or a small bit of lipstick ties together your look!

CLOTHING.CLOTHING. Starting with basics and adding fun pieces is always a good way to go! Make sure you have at LEAST-shirts, 3 long sleeved shirts, 2 camis, 2 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of capris, 1 pair of jeans, a light jacket/sweater, a heavy jacket, a pair of tights, sneakers boots, and flats. Then add jewelry, scarves, etc

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