Saturday, March 3, 2012

first day at the university


       The first week at the Kuwait University is the important week to meet your professors and the classmate. Besides ,it is the add and drop week .The freshman student feel curious about their new classes . They want to know who is will be their professor ? or who are with them at the classes ? or who is will be sitting next to them ? and many questions they may asks their selves . Also , they feel stress when they know that their friends will not taken the same classes . Moreover, they feel excited because it the first course at the university . Some students will think negatively and others will think positively
       In the second day in the university at nine and 45 minute am .I was looking for my math classroom and the class would start at 10 am . I felt so excited because I loved this subject since I was in Intensive English program . l got to 4th building and went to the second floor and entered the class room 207 and that what was written in my schedule amended after I dropped and added some classes . I wanted to the class early so that I got the first seat , and there was just one student sitting in the class when I have entered . Then, I took my place and got my note book and pen out of my bag and waited for my friend to come and for the class to begin . After five minutes the classroom has completed students .I looked at them and they all had a partner to talk with , but my friend wasn’t there .
                    The professor had come and the class started and my friend had not come yet .The professor distributed the syllabus and just  put it away and did not look at it . He was telling some jokes to started the class but the shock was when he said “Welcome to the accounting class “ and then he wrote in the board . I was sitting one minute and I was feeling very shy and left the class quickly . That was my experience in my first day at the university .


  1. I had the same story with you in the first day ,and i was in the English class feeling lonely and sad without my friends:P

  2. Wow excellent job Shurouq loved your story. Anyways, I have a question to ask who were you waiting for back then...Abrar ??
