Sunday, March 11, 2012

Nowdays , mobile phons take a huge part in evry one's life ,here is a vidio about what will the iphone mobile will be in the futur .   
In my opinion , i think why not ? and i think it can be made if the company set it mind to do all of that because i have an iphone and i trolly like it very much ,it connect me with all my friends and familly , it let contrul my day , arrnge my college life , have fun and many many things to do .
 but in the other wise i think about all the disadvantges about this trans port but i didnot get any thig .

Now i'll give you this vidio to watch and enjoy it :)


  1. good job al-failakawi sisters :)

  2. THe PHONE nowadays is an important part in our life
    no one can pass his day without his phone
    he will feel lost
