Friday, March 9, 2012


Story of Folklore in Kuwait

*The Ant*

             An ant was climbing a very high wall. When she grew tired she exclaimed to the well:"How high you are !" 

The wall replied:"how high I am? can't you see the rat who is digging away at my foundations?" so the ant went to the rat and asked:"Why are you digging away the wall?"

The rat answered:"Why do I dig the wall? Can't you see the cat who eat me?"so the ant went to cat and asked:"Why do you eat the rat?"
The cat answered:"Why do I eat the rat? Can't you see the dog which bites me?" so the ant went to the dog and asked:"Why do you bite the cat ?"

The god answered:"Why do I bite cats? Can't you see the stick that beats me ?" so the ant went to the stick and asked:"Why do you beat the dog?"

The slick answered:"Why do I beat the dog ? can't you see the fire that is burning me?" so the ant went to the fire and asked:" Why do you burn the stick?"

The fire answered:" Why do I burn sticks? Can't you see the water which wants to extinguish me?" so the ant went to the water and asked:"Why do you want to extinguish the fire?"

The water answered:"Why do I extinguish fire ? can't you see the camel who is drinking me ?" so the ant went to the camel and asked:" Why do you drinking the water ?"

The camel answered:" Why am I drinking the water ? can't you see the knife which went to slaughter me?" so the ant went to the knife and asked:" Why do you went to slaughter the camel?"

The knife answered:"Why do I slaughter camels ? can't you see the smith who makes me?" so the ant went to the smith and asked :"Why do you make knives "

The smith answered:"Why do I make knives? Don't you know about the death angel who will take my soul?"so the ant went to the death angel and asked him:"Why do you take souls?"

The angel answered:" Why I take souls? It's god who orders me."
So the ant climbed the wall to go to Allah and asked him why ordered the angel to take the souls. But …………..she fell off and died


  1. nice story...loud of laughing

  2. Al-Jeemaz tell us the story next time in class and in Arabic :p
