Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Girls, welcome on board !

For many of us, this will be our first experience in blogging and hopefully an exciting one. Our class blog is a way for us to share our ideas, thoughts, experiences, and learning with each other. The following guidelines have been established as a reminder of how to use our blog.

1.  Every group should publish at least one post every week plus comment
        on posts.
2. We will not post anything related to politics nor religion.
3. Use proper English which is good grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
4. Save your abbreviations and shortcuts for twitter. Always write in full
                    sentences and words - X
5.  Refrain from writing in Arabic nor using the Arabic chat alphabet –
                     la2...sh7ga...mali 5elg a7ther X
6. Be respectful and open to other's opinions.
7. Be considerate of others. When commenting, show others that you
        have read what they have written.
8. Any disrespectful or inappropriate language or postings will result in
        disciplinary action. 
9. Remember you are not only broadcasting our class to the world but also
        yourself so be at your best.

  Happy blogging

1 comment:

  1. thank you ms.batool i hope this going to be a nice blog
