Saturday, May 5, 2012

Google Company

The Google office is a workspace that aims to foster creativity through a fun and relaxed environment. Ergo, it's the equivalent of an adult jumping castle and/or ball pit
it has all : gyms  , resturants , clinic , swimming pool and many other activities !!
 i want work for google!!

Summer Pickpocket Alert

reading answers

Don’t listen to your nose p.32
1.      A
2.      C
3.      C
4.      A
5.      B
6.      D
7.      D
8.      D
9.      B
10.  A
Globalization p.34
1.      A
2.      C
3.      C
4.      C
5.      D
6.      B
7.      D
8.      B
9.      C
10.  B

Health tips p.36
1.      People
2.      Kuwaitis
3.      Toxins
4.      Food
5.      Food more heavily sprayed than others
6.      End of the marina mall